In Bengali, editorials for Prothom Alo Lifestyle(Naksha) by GreenStory author, Tamanna Islam. Prothom Alo is the most popular national newspaper of Bangladesh. These beauty and lifestyle editorials were published both in Prothom Alo print and online version.

সারা দিনে স্মোকি সাজ – প্রথম আলো
Prothom Alo, Lifestyle (Naksha) feature publication for Tamanna Islam, founder/editor GreenStory. The story, featuring GreenStory blogger, Tamanna, was available both print and online version of Prothom Alo. In this feature, সারা দিনে স্মোকি সাজ – প্রথম আলো, Tamanna shared how she does her makeup from morning to evening. Brown smokey eye makeup is always a favorite of her for an evening party.