How have you been doing during this pandemic situation? I’m sure you’ve been getting all your necessary items via online shopping as I’ve. There is definitely no better option than staying at home to practice social distancing and staying safe. Also, who doesn’t look for discount shopping, cashback, and else while shopping online? I, totally, do. That being so, I’ve recently discovered this amazing marketplace, PG Mall, which offers great cashback, a whole of RM3000 giveaway, and more right now in their platform. Of course, I had to share this with you all.
What is PG Mall?
Established since 2017, PG Mall is a Malaysian e-commerce AKA online shopping marketplace. They have a wide variety of product selection. You can get products ranging from Fashion to Electronics to Home and living to health and beauty to baby products and more. Basically, you’ll find anything in PG Mall you’re possibly looking for at the moment, plus at a competitive price.
PG Mall is a very user-friendly platform to do online shopping done in a minute. Other than that, PG Mall is ranked top 3 at Iprice insight report!

If you browse through PG Mall you’ll find a lot of promotional offers and discounts. Apart from those I wanted to share two major eyecatchers happening at PGmall right now. They are…
Love You 3,000 campaign:

PG Mall is showing their love to customers by giving out lucky draw prizes in c-wallet worth RM3000 in total where the Grand prize is RM500 c-wallet. This is a bi-weekly lucky draw, winner announcement on every 15th and 30th of the month. A minimum purchase of RM30 in a single invoice automatically entitled to join for the lucky draw. Which pronounce, the more you shop, the higher chance to win the lucky draw.
Maybank QRPay 20% cashback:

If you’re an online shopper then you’re aware of e-wallets. PG Mall is accepting all e-wallets along with Maybank QRPay. By using Maybank QRPay you can get cashback 20% off capped at RM20 with a minimum spend of RM30. This promotion is on-going from the 4th of May until the 6th of June 2020.
Not only that but you can share the referral links to friends where they can get forever cashback up to 3.5%. Isn’t it amazing? Cashback can be achieved once a transaction is made through personal or referral’s purchase is successful. Moreover, there is no time limit for it so this option is actually a #ForeverCashback by PG Mall.

So guys, stay safe, shop from home, shop online, and enjoy your online shopping at the PG Mall website. You can also find more info on Facebook: PGMallOfficial and Instagram: